Publication Ethics

"Transaction on Informatics and Data Science," a premier journal dedicated to advancing research in informatics and data science. Our author guidelines are crafted in alignment with IEEE standards, ensuring a high level of consistency and quality in published work. By following these guidelines closely during manuscript preparation and submission, authors contribute significantly to the credibility and impact of their research. We encourage thorough review and adherence to these guidelines as they play a crucial role in maintaining the excellence of scholarly publications in our journal.

Authors are deemed as individuals who fulfill each of the conditions mentioned below:
- Contributed significantly to the intellectual content presented in the article.
- Participated in drafting, reviewing, or revising the article to enhance its intellectual content.
- Gave approval for the final version of the article prior to its publication..

Cite Resorce Appropriately
Ensure to acknowledge your sources properly.
- For direct quotations, enclose the exact text from another source in quotation marks and provide a citation to the original source.
- When paraphrasing or summarizing information from another source, including ideas, processes, arguments, or conclusions, include an in-text citation.
- Cite the original source when referring to, adapting, or reusing any data, research results, information, graphics, or tables from another source.

It's important to note that these citation rules also apply to your own previously published work. When unsure, err on the side of citation, but limit citations to the most recent and relevant sources that genuinely contribute to your work.

Report Data Accurately
Ensure that you convey your research findings thoroughly and precisely. Refrain from:
- Fabricating data or results by inventing information.
- Falsifying research materials, equipment, or procedures, or altering, omitting, or manipulating data or outcomes..
- Engaging in image manipulation, particularly if it distorts the scientific interpretation of the image.

Publishing Original Research
Only submit your work to one journal at a time. Your submission must feature original research that has not been previously published and is not under consideration elsewhere..

In technical research, initial findings are often published as preliminary results before being developed further. TIDS supports this gradual publishing approach, given that:
- Both versions of the article undergo standard peer review.
- The later version includes significantly more technical details than the initial version..
- The later version references the earlier version and explicitly outlines the differences between the two versions.

Avoid Plagiarism
TIDS considers plagiarism as the unauthorized use of someone else's concepts, methods, findings, or language without proper attribution to the original author and source. Any form of plagiarism is not tolerated and is viewed as a significant violation of professional ethics, carrying potential legal and ethical repercussions..

To prevent plagiarism, adhere to correct citation protocols. Every article submitted to TIDS undergoes a plagiarism check before being published..