Millennials, Technology, and English Language Teaching


  • Nurul An-Nisa Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Giarni Alfi Astika Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Tono Suwartono Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto



millennials, technology, english language teaching, e-learning


At present, the development of technology has increasingly advanced. This situation requires millennial to apply technology in every area of ​​life. It makes millennial generation very dependent on technology. Technology plays an important role in education context especially in English language teaching. The presence of technology makes teachers and students easier to get learning material and develop learning instructions. They can use any media technology to support the success of teaching and learning activities. There are various media applications that can be used to help the English teaching process both in the classroom and outside the classroom. In the use of electronic media applications in the learning process called e-learning. Teachers must be able to choose activities that are creative and innovative. It can make teaching activity more interesting and not get bored. This article discusses about the relationship among millennial, technology, and English language teaching to create great teachers in the future.

Author Biography

Tono Suwartono, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Tono Suwartono is an Associate Professor of TESOL with English Language Teaching Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Central Java Province, Indonesia. He has conducted countless researches, extensively published articles in national, international, as well as internationally reputed journals. He has traveled to many parts over the globe to present papers in conferences and publish them in proceedings. He has also productively written reference books and monographs. He has trained thousands of teachers nationwide. Besides working for the National Supervising Team in the implementation of School National Examination and Teacher Certification Program, he also sits in the editorial team and serves as a peer reviewer for several journals within Indonesia and beyond, including Arab World English Journal, Athens Journal of Philology (Greece), and Technium Social Sciences Journal (Romania). His main interests include: TEFL/TESOL and teacher training and professional development. His email address is [email protected].





