Author Guideline
Scientific works to be considered for loading are those that meet the following terms and conditions:
- Articles are original work and have not been published in scientific journals or books.
- Number of pages between 18-20 for typed articles with 1.5 spacing on A4 size paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) with Time New Roman and Time new Arabic fonts (for words / Arabic) with 12 fonts.
- Articles must include abstract (150-200 words) in Indonesian, English, Arabic and keywords (4-6 words).
- Any foreign language and regional languages, other than the names of persons and places, as well as those which have not been absorbed and standardized in Bahasa Indonesia are written in italics; special Arabic word written italic with Time New Arabic font and follow the guidelines of transliteration.
- Writing citation technique using body note / in note.
- Download Article Template
Each article will be selected and assessed by the editing team by involving relevant experts in the field, and then the author will get information about the article's status: received, received with revision, or rejected. Editor team decisions can not be contested.
For authors whose articles are accepted and have submitted the revisions, just wait for the order queue and as published journal schedule.