Planning an ESP Course Design in SMK Context Teachers’ Roles and Problems


  • Khairunnisa Dwinalida IAIN Purwokerto
  • Sholeh Setiaji Al Irsyad Al Islamiyah Purwokerto



ESP or English for Specific Purposes is distinctive in that it considers students' learning needs because ESP equips students with the necessary skills to compete in the workplace. In other words, based on the student's major, the teacher must tailor English instruction to be fit for employment. How the teachers preparing English lessons for vocational students have not been fully disclosed in prior study, despite some of the issues teachers confront when teaching English at vocational schools. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the teachers’ roles and also problems in planning the instructions for their students. In answering the released research questions, qualitative research using the interview method and also an open-ended questionnaire were conducted on 3 English teachers from 3 different SMKs with different majors. These three English teachers have a combined teaching experience of almost exactly ten years. Online interviews and questionnaires with questions about learning preparation based on the Dudley-Evans hypothesis were completed via phone and email. The results of the surveys and interviews were then examined by classifying the data according to theory. The study's findings reveal that these teachers encounter similar challenges when putting together course plans that are appropriate for their students' majors, selecting subject matter that is relevant to their line of work, and selecting learning resources that will enable them to help their students meet set learning objectives.


