JSI: Jurnal Sejarah Islam
JSI: Jurnal Sejarah Islam published by the Islamic Civilization History Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Humanities, UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto. JSI: Jurnal Sejarah Islam publishes articles with the following scopes: classical, medieval, and modern Islamic history, history of Muslim minorities, local Islamic history, Islamic figures in history, and Islamic institutions in history. The journal opublishes scientific articles in the field of history regarding its progress and setbacks in various fields such as politics, government, economics, culture, science. This journal answers the need for publications in the field of Islamic history from classical to contemporary times on a national and even international scale.This journal was first published in May 2022 with P-ISSN: 2962-71 and E-ISSN: 291-2484. This journal is published by the Islamic Civilization History Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Professor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto.