Citeness in Scopus

1) What an Important Implementation of the Educational Rights of Adopted Children in Indonesia from an Islamic Jurisprudence Perspective?
Meidina, Ahmad Rezy, Ali, Zezen Zainul, Puspita, Mega, Ashlakha, Hilma Nur, Zahro, Anisatuz
El-Aqwal: Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law, pp. 85–96 2024

2) Measuring Islamic Legal Philosophy and Islamic Law: A Study of Differences, Typologies, and Objects of Study
Zain, Muhammad Fuad, Zayyadi, Ahmad
El-Aqwal: Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law, 2(1) 2023

3) The Concept of Ṣulḥ and Mediation in Marriage Conflict Resolution in Religious Courts: A Comparative Study between Contemporary Indonesian Family Law and Classical Islamic Law
Maula, Bani Syarif
El-Aqwal: Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law, 2(1), pp. 73–86 2023

4) Marital Property in Marriages of Different Nationalities in Indonesia According to National Law and Islamic Law
Maula, Bani Syarif, Zain, Muhammad Fuad, Nada, Syifaun
El-Aqwal: Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law, 3(1), pp. 1–16 2023

5) Review of Islamic Law and Positive Law: Regarding the Obligation to Comply with the Marriage Law
Hilmi, Ismi Lathifatul, Agustar, Armi
El-Aqwal Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law

6) Legal Protection for Victims of Sexual Violence in Indonesia in Theperspectives of Victimology and Fiqh Jinayah
Ariyanti, Vivi
el-Aqwal Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law, 2(2) 2023

7) The Dynamics of Polygamy and Divorce in Muslim Countries
Madina, Dinda Difia, Meidina, Ahmad Rezy, Zein, Anwar
El-Aqwal: Journal of Sharia and Comparative Law, 2023, pp. 135–148