Integration of GeoGebra in Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students' Problem-Solving Skills


  • Joko Suratno Universitas Khairun
  • Ida Kurnia Waliyanti Universitas Khairun



GeoGebra; problem-based learning; problem-solving


Learning mathematics requires the development of problem-solving abilities. However, problem-solving requires additional focus, particularly in the context of schools. Therefore, alternatives are needed to teach students how to solve problems through GeoGebra in problem-based learning. The goal of this study was to thoroughly and in-depth investigate how the use of GeoGebra in problem-based learning affects students' capacity for problem-solving. Quasi-experimental research methodology is employed. The Posttest-Only Design with Nonequivalent Groups was the quasi-experimental design in this work. According to the data analysis, incorporating GeoGebra into problem-based learning significantly impacts students' ability to solve problems.  


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2023-07-05 — Updated on 2023-11-16


