Author Guidlines

Manuscripts must be sent exclusively through OJS 2 (Online Journal System) ( All scriptwriters must be on the OJS Platform (, although only one will be in charge of correspondence.

No author can submit two manuscripts simultaneously, and there must be a four-issue interval between the author's published issue articles and the next new article submission.

Files must contain:

  • Article title: (brief but informative), in Indonesian in the first line and then in English, containing as many important terms as possible. A maximum of two lines will be accepted (max. 15 words). The title is not only the responsibility of the author but also the editor. If the wording is not correct, the meaning of the work may be changed.
  • Full name and last name: each author in order of priority (the number of contributing authors must be justified by subject, its complexity and elongation. The average number of authors in this field is three. If there are more than three authors, their specific contributions must be clearly indicated).   
  • Abstract in English: maximum 200 words. The use of automatic translators is not allowed for their preparation, such as for titles and keywords, due to their poor quality. Evaluators also assess aspects of the paper and our reviewers analyze standard linguistics and style where appropriate.
  • Abstract in Indonesian: (adjust to English) maximum 200 words. The use of automatic translators is not allowed for their preparation, such as for titles and keywords, due to their poor quality. Evaluators also assess aspects of the paper and our reviewers analyze standard linguistics and style where appropriate.
  • Keywords in English: (3-5 terms). We recommend including these standard keywords in the script. All terms used must be in standard scientific English.

The research paper must fully understand the following structure, although the sections "Notes" and "Sources of funding" are optional. The "References" section is mandatory in all submissions.

  1. INTRODUCTION: This section should reflect the basis and objectives of the research, using the most relevant citations. Data or conclusions from the work will not be included here.
  2. METHOD: This section should be presented with the precision deemed necessary for the reader to understand and confirm research developments. required, the sample and sampling method should be described, and reference made to the type of statistical analysis used. If the methodology is original, reasons should be given to justify this use and possible limitations explained.
  3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The most important observations should be highlighted, describing the findings made with the materials and methods used but without interpreting them or making value judgments. Important tables and figures should appear in a logical order in the text, avoiding data redundancy and repetition.
  4. CONCLUSION: This section should summarize the findings, link observations made in this regard with other relevant studies, define contributions and limitations, without repeating data previously discussed in other sections. Conclusions from the findings should be stated along with their constraints, including deductions for future research, and conclusions should be linked to the research objectives, avoiding statements and conclusions not fully supported by research data.
  5. REFERENCE: List and number all bibliographical references that made significant contributions to the paper, (limit where possible to 20, only necessary citations are recommended). Times New Roman 10 points, fully justified, single-spaced, at the end of your paper.

Bibliographical citations should be included as references to the text. bibliography may not include references that are not cited in the text. The number of references must be sufficient and necessary to contextualize the theoretical framework, methodology used and research results in the context of international research. This is to be presented alphabetically with the author's first surname (adding a second surname only when the first surname is very common and enclosed with a hyphen). Bibliographical citations should be taken from original documents – preferably journals and, to a lesser extent, books – always indicating the first and last pages of the article or work from which they have been taken, except for complete works.

The literature written in the references is only used in the research being conducted. We recommend writing references using software such as Mendeley, EndNote, Reference Manager or Zotero. The percentage of reference material used is 80% from journal articles, conference proceedings or research results from the last five (5) years. Writing references using the system model from the APA (American Psychological Association), 6th edition.)

An easy way to comply with the journal's paper format requirements is to use this document as a template and simply type your text into it. Journal templates can be accessed via