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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): el-Jizya : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
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el-Jizya: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam is a scientific journal published by Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Purwokerto. ISSN 2354-905X (print) ; ISSN 2579-6208 (online). First printed edition was published in 2013, and since 2017 it has been published in online version. El-Jizya focuses on the study of Islamic Economics from various perspectives. It is published twice a year (June & December).

el-Jizya: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam was firstly published in 2013 in printed version and manually reviewed. In 2017 the journal was published in online version, i.e. Vol. 5 Number 1 and 2, using OJS 2.4.8. Since 2018 it has migrated to OJS 3.0.2. In 2019, the template of articles changes to the newest version. DOI . 10.24090

el-Jizya: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam has been accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education is currently ranked as SINTA 4