Publication Ethic

Duties of Authors:

  1. Reporting Standards: Present accurate research and discuss its significance objectively.
  2. Originality and Plagiarism: Ensure originality, cite previous work properly, and avoid simultaneous submissions.
  3. Multiple Publications: Do not submit the same work to multiple journals, identify multiple publications arising from one project.
  4. Acknowledgement of Sources: Properly acknowledge data sources and influential publications.
  5. Authorship: Reflect contributors accurately, ensure all authors approve the submitted manuscript.
  6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Disclose financial or other conflicts of interest, and sources of financial support.
  7. Fundamental Errors: Promptly notify editors of significant errors in published work.

Duties of Editors:

  1. Publication Decisions: Make decisions based on validation and importance of the work, guided by journal policies and legal requirements.
  2. Review of Manuscripts: Ensure fair and wise peer review, select appropriate reviewers, and maintain confidentiality.
  3. Fair Play: Make unbiased decisions regardless of authors' demographics, uphold editorial independence and integrity.
  4. Confidentiality: Keep manuscript information confidential, assess breaches of data protection and patient confidentiality.
  5. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Do not use unpublished materials for personal research without consent, avoid decisions involving conflicts of interest.

Duties of Reviewers:

  1. Confidentiality: Keep manuscript information confidential, unless authorized by the editor.
  2. Acknowledgement of Sources: Ensure authors acknowledge all data sources, notify journal of irregularities or ethical concerns.
  3. Standards of Objectivity: Review manuscripts objectively, provide constructive feedback.
  4. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Keep privileged information confidential, avoid reviewing papers with conflicts of interest.
  5. Promptness: Respond promptly, inform the journal if unable to review within the agreed timeframe.