Pendidikan Keluarga dan Relevansinya dalam Pendidikan Islam
Family Education, Islamic EducationAbstract
In education that involves parents and children, it cannot be separated from the diverse views of parents regarding the concept of education. This is what also influences how the dialetic process of parents' family education insight is applied. Basically, education has a dynamic viewpoint to fulfill and deliver an established education for children. In addition to the variety of western educational theories that have emerged. Islamic education also colors educational needs to be met by families. This is where western education and Islamic education meet. The complexity of the problems experienced by parents presents its own challenges in how the role of the family in helping children's growth and development, including moral maturity and achievement in the educational process. Family education and Islamic education are formulas that should be used as alternatives in providing educational obligations to children. Both have a mix that is mutually involved in helping the growth and development of children. Researchers used a literature review with a descriptivequalitativetype. This study was conducted with a phenomenological analysis approach to produce a suitable and relevant study for researchers.References
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How to Cite
Khojanah, S. (2023). Pendidikan Keluarga dan Relevansinya dalam Pendidikan Islam. J-PGMI: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI, 6(2), 141–146. Retrieved from
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