3rd International Conference of Moslem Society 2019

Modern culture has developed so fast and spread all over the world following the development of modern technology which causes human communication becomes easier and the world seems narrower. This condition has caused particular human values, which previously held, becomes universal ones. Another change is that human’s way of thinking becomes more rational and functional. The above changes has given a chalange to the religion of modern people. In the theis of secularism, modern people leave the religion out of public domain, and foster rational aspects. This way of thinking occurs because religion is considered not able to go along science and will inhibit modernity. In fact, such a thesis is a real falsity, as it has been argued by Peter L. Berger. Such falsity does not go in line with Alquran, which appreciates people who think or use their reasoning. Allah swt. appreciates them in surah Āli ‘Imrān [3]: 190, as quoted below:
إِنَّ فِى خَلْقِ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلٰفِ الَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ لَاٰيٰتٍ لِّأُو۟لِى الْأَلْبٰبِ
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding (Ulul al-Albāb).
In respond to the verse, religious people are encouraged to face the global era and be able to benefit the chances and challanges of the 21st century. This is because the problems of civilization development does not come from the religion, nut from the people themselves. As a result, 4.0 industrial revolution is not necessarily considered as a threat to religion, and the conversely, the religion is not a threat to 4.0 industrial revolution. Considering this fact, it is necessary to emphasize the important of harmonizing science and technology and religion. Science and technology should be based on religious moral values to avoid destructive effects to human values (dehumanization). Meanwhile, religious teachings should be interpreted and connected to modern context to make it compatible at any time and place.
For Muslims, Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a certainty to be faced on. The characterisics of Industrial Revolution 4.0 that should be understood are: 1) the occurance of disruptiive innovations, i.e. innovations driving the emergence of an unpredictable, disturbing, and destroying new condition, which finally replaces the previously established technology; 2) the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI), i.e. intellinge added to a system managed in scientific context. The intelligence is invented and inserted to a computer to make it able to do many kind of human works; 3) the use of Big Data, which previously stored in high-capacity memory equipment, such as mainframe or server, finally nowadays can be saved easily in a smartphone on internet basis. How high a person, especially Muslim, utilize internet technology shows how deep he is involved in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. If a Muslim has utilized internet technology to make strategic decisions, such as in business, law, education, and uniting Muslims’ potentials, he deserves to be considered as a Muslim who can benefit the opportunities and face the challanges of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The other condition is when a person, especially a Muslim, uses the internet only for dealing with his daily need, such as online transportation and business transaction. Unfortunately, there is a worse condition, i.e. when a person, especially a Muslim, just becomes the object of Industrial Revolution 4.0, in which he becomes more consumtive, easily influenced with bad things, and becoming a part of hoax content spread tthrough social media and other media.
Based on the above conditions, the conference held by Pascasarjana Program of IAIN Purwokerto invites all academicians, lecturers, students, researchers, and whoever having concern to this nation to take part and share ideas in the discussion and the committee will publish the articles in scirntific journals or proceeding. This is one of the ways for academicians to participate Muslims progress in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Abstract are invited to be presented in full papers on the following sub themes:

  • Islamic Education
  • Islamic Law
  • Islamic Theology
  • Islamic Economy
  • Islamic Science
  • Socio-Cultural Studies
  • Da'wa and Communication


Keynote Speakers



Important Dates:

  • Registration Form and Abstract Submission to https://s.id/submissions : March 9, 2019
  • Abstract Acceptance : March 12, 2019
  • Full Paper Submission & Payment Deadline : April 5, 2019



Java Herritage Hotel Purwokerto

Address: Jl. Dr. Angka No.71, Karangkobar, Sokanegara, Purwokerto Tim., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53115


Fees & Facilities

The fee below is a single payment or per one presenter attending the conference, NOT per one paper approved for presentation. Thus, the fee of a paper by two or more authors depends on the numbers of participating authors in the conference (presenters).
At least ONE presenter should come to present the paper in the conference panel session. In case no one coming for the presentation, the paper will not be proceeded for further publications.

Fee for a domestic presenter: IDR 1.500.000

Fee for an international presenter: USD 250

Fee for an participants: IDR 500.000

Fee for an student presenter: IDR 1.000.000

Fee for an student participant: IDR 300.000

Bank account for Transfer: Bank BNI, No: 0623696340, Name: Ibu Nita Triana

Facilities for each presenter:

  • Certificate of presentation
  • Conference kits
  • Meals & snacks: dinner, coffe & snacks



Journal Publication:

selected papers of the conference will be published in IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya

Proceedings Publication:

All selected abstracts, will be published in ISSN registered proceedings.
The printable document format (pdf) of the proceedings can be accessed from IAIN Purwokerto e-journal Portal (online publication). The URL link to download the online proceedings will be shared later in this official conference website.
ICMS 2019 Conference Proceedings are Open Access research that act as permanent records of the research generated by Postgraduate, IAIN Purwokerto.



Steering Committee: Prof. Dr. Abdul Basit, M.Ag. (Director of Postgraduate IAIN Purwokerto)

Executive Committee

Head: Prof. Dr. Sunhaji, M.Ag.

Editor and Publication : Dr. Nita Triana, M.Si.

Editor and Publication : Dr. Akhmad Faozan, Lc., M.Ag.


Secretariat : Dr. Suparjo, M.A.

Secretariat : Tri Mulatsih Pudjileksani, S.H.

Website and Publication : Anjar Anjani Putra, M.Kom.


Contact us

Email: [email protected]

Contact Person:

Sumiarti (+628122784144)

Muflihah (+6285747807535)

Anjar Anjani Putra (+6282227028888)

Secretariat: Postgraduate office of IAIN Purwokerto

Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 40A Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah, 53126

Telp. +62281-635624 -- Fax. +62281-636553