The Phenomenon of Da’wa Humor Kiai Pesantren: Sociolinguistic Analysis


  • Asep Abbas Abdullah Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya



pesantren, da'wa humor, kiai ishaq latif


This paper aims to know the model of da'wa done by kiai, and about da'wah has been discussed by (Ahmad Anas: 2006; Atmawati Dwi: 2009; and Anshori Anhar: 1984). While about humor has been discussed by (Muhammad Rohmadi: 2009; Wuri Soedjatmiko: 1991; I Dewa Putu Wijana: 2004; Danandjaja: 2001). Everything has a meaning so that humor is not a goal, but just a medium. For that purpose, the authors use a sociolinguistic perspective, as has been discussed by (Roger T. Bell: 1995; Ralp Fashold: 1990; J. A. Fishman: 1972). Therefore, what is done by Kiai Latif in his dakwah using various humorous models, such as anecdotes, comparisons, plesetan and others (Victor Raskin: 1944, James Danandjaja: 1986). Certainly, what is done by Kiai Latif in his da'wah that uses the language of dakwah humor still in the corridor of da'wah, that is as a means to invite people to not be dissolved in things that are not pleaded by Allah SWT, including inconsistent with the teachings applied by Prophet Muhammad SAW (Andy Darmawan: 2002; Clifford Geertz: 1981; Jakfar Puteh Saifullah: 2006; Aminah Mochtar: 2000).


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How to Cite

Abdullah, A. A. (2018). The Phenomenon of Da’wa Humor Kiai Pesantren: Sociolinguistic Analysis. International Conference of Moslem Society, 2.