The Way of Muslim Communication Based on Implicature on Surah Al-A’raaf’s


  • Muhammad Thoriqussu'ud Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya
  • Alfin Nur Maghfiroh Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya



implicature, grice's four maxims


The focus of this study is to analyze what implicature are implied in the conversation verses of Surah Al A’raaf’s translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and how the speakers imply the implicature. The study uses descriptive qualitative method to collect and analyze the data, which the data were derived from Quranic English Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The data are in the form of conversational verses. To avoid any wrong interpretation, the writer uses Tafseer Ibn Katsir and Tafseer al-Jalalayn. Then, the writer analyzes the way of speakers implied the hidden meaning, whether directly or indirectly, and through contribution of Grice’s four Maxims: Quality, Quantity, Relevance and Manner. Moreover, the writer used data sources triangulation and investigator triangulation to eliminate bias and increase truthfulness of qualitative researcher. The findings of this study indicate that among 120 times, the speakers implied the implicature directly, which is direct match between a sentence type and its function is directly, and the rest is among 23 times, they expressed less directly, which is whenever there is no direct relationship between sentence type and its function. Moreover, among 75 dialogs, contained in 66 verses, 143 implicatures are implied, and there are 244 of the contribution maxims. In this study, Grice’s CP and its contributory maxims have been observed in the Surah Al A’raaf, in the most cases, the observing of Grice’s maxim is found in the maxim of quality and the least is manner. Based on the findings of the study, it is possible that more than one implicature are implied out of the same utterance and consequently more than one maxim or principles are involved


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How to Cite

Thoriqussu'ud, M., & Maghfiroh, A. N. (2018). The Way of Muslim Communication Based on Implicature on Surah Al-A’raaf’s. International Conference of Moslem Society, 2, 23–32.