About the Journal

ASSERTIVE: ISLAMIC COUNSELING JOURNAL is a scientific journal in collaboration with PABKI, focusing on the study of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Guidance and Counseling, Cyber Counseling, And Indigenous Counseling. ASSERTIVE: ISLAMIC COUNSELING JOURNAL is a journal published by the Faculty of Da'wah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto.
Starting issue of volume 1 number 1 in 2022, ASSERTIVE: ISLAMIC COUNSELING JOURNAL, was also published in electronic format. Since the editorial structure changed in early 2022, ASSERTIVE: ISLAMIC COUNSELING JOURNAL has made a lot of improvements to the online edition. Some improvements were made, among others, to digitize the old edition of the article and then upload it as a back issue, so that all articles can be accessed online starting from volume 1 number 1 of 2022 to the latest volume.
Publisher       : Faculty of Da'wah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

e-ISSN : 2986-2647 (online)
p-ISSN : 2988-7518 (print)