Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak 2023-10-24T08:51:22+07:00 Ida Novianti [email protected] Open Journal Systems <div style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN: 1907-2791</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN: 2548-5385</a> is published by <em>Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA), State Islamic University (UIN) of Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto</em>, Central Java, Indonesia. This journal is published twice a year every <span style="text-decoration: underline;">June</span> and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">December.</span> The journal accepts articles with the themes of gender and education, gender and religion, Islam and feminism, domestic violence and children, children and education, and children rights.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> </div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak</strong> has been nationally accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture / Directorate General of Research and Technology with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">S3 (Sinta Score 3)</a></div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> </div> Editorial Matter 2023-10-23T09:05:09+07:00 Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak [email protected] <p>Editorial of Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Kekerasan berbasis gender dalam kasus perceraian pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Cirebon 2023-08-01T16:09:07+07:00 Naila Farah [email protected] Musahwi Musahwi [email protected] Muhamad Ridho Hidayatullah [email protected] <p>Divorce cases during the Covid-19 Pandemic experienced a significant increase. In Cirebon Regency, an increase in the divorce rate was followed by many cases of violence against women in the family environment during the 2020-2023 Pandemic. This research seeks to understand the problem of gender-based violence in divorce cases and the various psycho-social implications arising from this condition for victims. In order to analyze the problem comprehensively, this study uses the framework of structural violence, cultural violence, and direct violence (physical and symbolic). Based on the results of the description and theoretical analysis, this study yielded findings including: (1) victims of violence were experienced by families with a weak economic basis, coming from poor families; (2) victims experience physical, psychological, sexual violence and neglect of the household; (3) the victim chooses a divorce to escape violence rather than asking for protection from women's protection services; (4) victims experience multiple psycho-social pressures after violence and divorce, namely: as victims of domestic violence, unemployment and economic instability, as well as the burden of raising children without the perpetrator's responsibilities as a father.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Naila Farah, Musahwi Musahwi, Muhamad Ridho Hidayatullah Perubahan kontruksi sosial dalam pembagian kerja domestik: Studi hubungan antara suami istri keluarga modern 2023-10-15T06:50:08+07:00 Venny Pratisiya [email protected] Aldea Pantes [email protected] Sasmita Fahira [email protected] Dahniar Th Musa [email protected] Annisa Rizqa Alamri [email protected] Mutmainnah Mutmainnah [email protected] <p>The aim of this research is to analyze changes in social construction and the division of domestic labor in modern households in an urban environment. Social construction, which involves norms, values and social expectations, plays an important role in the division of domestic labor in the family. Factors such as cultural traditions, religion, internalized gender roles and influences from the social environment contribute to the formation of social construction. The research method used is qualitative literature study, researchers analyze and collect scientific articles, journals, books and other sources relevant to this research topic. The theory used is social construction theory developed by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. This theory is used to identify how norms, values and social roles in domestic work are constructed, internalized and changed in the context of the modern family. The results of this research show that stereotypical gender roles and behavioral expectations for women in domestic work burden women in the unequal division of work between husband and wife. Apart from that, this research also shows that there are various significant changes in the social construction related to domestic work in modern families, such as shifts in gender roles and awareness of gender equality. One of the factors that can influence a husband and wife or a modern family to adopt an egalitarian division of labor is education, work experience and individual values.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Venny Pratisiya, Aldea Pantes, Sasmita Fahira, Dahniar Th Musa, Annisa Rizqa Alamri, Mutmainnah Mutmainnah Perspektif kesetaraan gender Husein Muhammad terhadap Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) 2023-08-01T16:18:29+07:00 Elza Ramona [email protected] Peppy Angraini [email protected] Al Amin [email protected] <p>In achieving gender equality, the problem of social construction with the growth of patriarchal culture is still the main obstacle to voicing women's rights, including equality of sexual and reproductive rights for women or Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), hindered by religious interpretations that are still gender biased. Both traditional and rational interpreters adhere to the interpretation that subordinates women. This cannot be separated from the point of view used by the interpreters, the goals, and the social, cultural, economic, and political conditions in which the interpreters live. This patriarchal interpretation is what one pesantren kiai, known as a male feminist, Husein Muhammad, is trying to reconstruct. Born and raised in a pesantren, Husein's background led him to the women's fiqh program (fiqh al-Nisa), which advocates for women's sexual and reproductive rights from an Islamic gender-equitable perspective. Therefore, using a descriptive-analytic method (tick description), this article attempts to look at Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights (SRHR) from the perspective of gender equality promoted by Husein Muhammad.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Elza Ramona, Peppy Angraini, Al Amin Pengarusutamaan Feminisme di Indonesia: Studi Pemikiran Etin Anwar dan Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin 2023-08-01T16:14:43+07:00 Faridah Amiliyatul Qur'ana [email protected] Nur Afina Ulya [email protected] <p>Feminism is an endeavor to incorporate a feminist viewpoint into various organizations and public policies to eliminate gender discrimination in many sectors. This article aims to combine the ideas of two Indonesian Feminism figures: Etin Anwar, an academic who contributes to the thought of Islamic Feminism in Indonesia, and Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, a female activist who fights for women's rights in the Indonesian socio-political context. This study employs descriptive-qualitative approaches to analyze the content of the two figures' thinking work. The findings of this study show that: 1) These two feminist luminaries share comparable perspectives on the growth of feminism in Indonesia. Both advocated for systematic and structural changes to gender equality in order to build an Indonesia society conscious of gender fairness; and 2) Etin Anwar developed the concepts of ethical equality and spiritual equality, as well as further highlighted the five eras of Islamic Feminism construction in Indonesia: emancipation, association, development, integration, and proliferation. At the same time, Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin develops the modern organizational concept of gender differentiation, which realizes equality in numerous parts of life. This research is intended to add to Indonesia's understanding and awareness of feminism and feminine issues.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Faridah Amiliyatul Qur'ana, Nur Afina Ulya Sensitivitas gender pendidik pesantren di Purwokerto 2023-08-22T10:57:50+07:00 Farichatul Maftuchah [email protected] <p>The issue of gender sensitivity is still a hot topic of discussion today. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the forms of gender sensitivity of pesantren educators in Purwokerto. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, with aspects of field studies. The research subjects are nine Islamic boarding schools’ partners with State Islamic University (UIN) Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto. From the nine pesantren, at least two educators were taken as research subjects. The results of this study indicate that the forms of gender sensitivity in partner pesantren education are as follows: understanding of the concept of gender, the functions of men and women in the private and public spheres, interpretation of religion (inheritance), profession, and proportionality.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Farichatul Maftuchah Diskriminasi terhadap perempuan korban kekerasan seksual di Kabupaten Banyumas dalam prespektif religiusitas 2023-08-01T14:00:50+07:00 Elisabeth Febrianan Daniputri Harnowo [email protected] Elly Kristiani Purwendah [email protected] Wiwin Muchtar Wiyono [email protected] Ikama Dewi Setia Triana [email protected] <p>The rate of sexual violence is increasing every year. Many cases of sexual violence stop midway or are only resolved at the mediation level. Even though normatively this has been completed, the victim's right to protection does not apply to living his or her life again in society. This research focuses on the response and role of religious figures in handling cases of sexual violence. This research uses a Normative Sociological approach method. The assumption that the victim's way of dressing and behaving was the trigger for this action this continued until discrimination emerged against women victims of sexual violence.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Elisabeth Febrianan Daniputri Harnowo, Elly Kristiani Purwendah, Wiwin Muchtar Wiyono, Ikama Dewi Setia Triana Rekonstruksi pendidikan anak dalam Islam di Era 5.0: Studi integrasi pemikiran Buya Hamka dan M. Quraish Shihab 2023-10-02T13:38:28+07:00 Sutrimo Purnomo [email protected] <p>The era of 5.0 has had an impact that is not entirely good, even advances in information and technology have become one of the causes of moral degradation in children. If this is allowed to continue, a younger generation will emerge who are intellectually superior but weak morally. This is at the same time an indicator of the failure of the world of education, because the ultimate goal of education is to create a moral generation. For this reason, efforts to anticipate moral degradation in children as a result of the 5.0 era must be carried out, including through the reconstruction of children's education in Islam. This study aims to offer readers a formulation of children's education in Islam in the era of society 5.0 through the integration of the thoughts of two Indonesian Muslim scholars, namely M. Quraish Shihab and Buya Hamka. This research is a qualitative research type which is library research by making a systematic review as a research approach. The findings illustrate that children's education in Islam in the 5.0 era can be done through four things, namely: First, strengthening the goal of creating humans as servants. Second, the strengthening of gratitude which is implemented in the spirit of talabul 'ilmi. Third, aqidah or monotheism education about the Oneness of Allah must be instilled from an early age. Fourth, the cultivation of good morals, especially devotion to parents and also to others and the environment, is used as the direction of children's education in Islam.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sutrimo Purnomo Systematic Literature Review: Riset pelecehan seksual pada anak di Indonesia 2023-05-28T03:13:01+07:00 Siti Sarah [email protected] <p>Children are the successor of the future of the nation. Sexual abuse in children can destroy the future of children, even the nation. This case must be resolved immediately. Research is an important way of providing information and various field findings to be followed up in policy formulation as well as concrete steps in an effort to real problems. The research aims to provide in-depth information regarding research on child sexual abuse in Indonesia, particularly in the realm of research methods and study focus. The research used the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. Data was collected by documenting and reviewing all articles related to child sexual abuse in 2020 - 2022. They are 37 articles from accredited national and international journals obtained from Google Scholar and SINTA. The study shows that research related to child sexual abuse in Indonesia uses many methods. The qualitative is the most popular method. Conversely, the mix-method is the minimum research. The research also analyzes the focus of the problem of sexual abuse in children in three groups. They are preventive, curative efforts, and case analysis. As a result, preventive means are the most studied, and case analysis broadly is the lowest.</p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Sarah