Views on Generation Islamic Banking Literacy: Bridging The Economic Gap and Improving Welfare


  • Tri Nurkhasanah State Islamic University K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha State Islamic University K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • M. Shultoni State Islamic University K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan



Financial Literacy, Islamic Banking, Generation Z


This research examines financial literacy, specifically related to Islamic banking, and its impact on Islamic banking lending and penetration in Indonesia. Qualitative and exploratory methods were used with data from a literature review and content analysis and FGDs. The results showed a majority understanding of Islamic banking, but variations in product usage among Generation Z. Islamic banking literacy is considered key to economic sustainability and alleviating generation Z poverty, emphasizing the importance of socializing this literacy to increase its effectiveness.Keywords: Financial Literacy, Islamic Banking, Generation Z This research examines financial literacy, specifically related to Islamic banking, and its impact on Islamic banking lending and penetration in Indonesia. Qualitative and exploratory methods were used with data from a literature review and content analysis and FGDs. The results showed a majority understanding of Islamic banking, but variations in product usage among Generation Z. Islamic banking literacy is considered key to economic sustainability and alleviating generation Z poverty, emphasizing the importance of socializing this literacy to increase its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Nurkhasanah, T., Adinugraha, H. H., & Shultoni, M. (2024). Views on Generation Islamic Banking Literacy: Bridging The Economic Gap and Improving Welfare. Wealth: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 3(1), 53–66.


