Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr 2023-09-01T15:17:19+07:00 Alief Budiyono [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr. </strong>Raushan Fikr, a beacon of scholarly discourse in Islamic Studies, stands as a testament to academic excellence and intellectual rigor. With its distinguished <a href="">P-ISSN: 2354-9688</a> and <a href="">E-ISSN: 2548-5393</a>, alongside the esteemed DOI: 10.24090/jimrf, and <strong>accredited with <a href="">SINTA 5</a></strong>, it embodies a commitment to quality research dissemination. This illustrious journal extends a warm invitation to scholars, researchers, and students alike, urging them to contribute their findings in diverse fields related to Islam, Muslim society, and comparative religion. From textual analyses to empirical fieldwork, Raushan Fikr welcomes submissions encompassing a myriad of perspectives, including but not limited to law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, and political science. Published biannually, with one volume and two issues released in January-June and July-December, respectively, Raushan Fikr serves as a dynamic platform for the exchange and proliferation of ideas. Its pages resonate with the voices of thinkers from various traditions, fostering a rich tapestry of intellectual discourse conducted with scientific rigor. In essence, Raushan Fikr epitomizes scholarly excellence, fostering an environment where the convergence of diverse perspectives fuels the advancement of knowledge in Islamic Studies and beyond.</p> TABLE OF CONTENT 2023-09-01T15:17:19+07:00 Akhmad Roja Badrus Zaman [email protected] <p>Table of Content</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Akhmad Roja Badrus Zaman Plastic Surgery in the Qur’an: Interpretation of Ma’na-Cum-Maghza Surah An-Nisa: 119 2023-01-10T16:34:25+07:00 Tesa Maulana [email protected] Aji Mustofa [email protected] Munawir [email protected] <p>This study aims to reconstruct the interpretation of Surah An-Nisa: 119 and reveal the verse significance to the legal relevance of plastic surgery. This study uses a qualitative method with a ma’na-cum-maghza hermeneutic approach to seek the meaning and significance of verse in the modern era. The result of this study stated that Surah An-Nisa: 119, it is not right to legalize the prohibition of plastic surgery. Based on ma’na and maghza, Surah An-Nisa: 119 is changing the religious law system, and the physical form of humans or animals is legal as long as it is within the maqashid Syariah corridor. Based on its purpose, the law on plastic surgery is divided into halal or permissible if it is done to treat and beautify oneself without damaging and eliminating organ function and haram or prohibited if it is done to change human nature, such as castration or changing genitals</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tesa Maulana, Aji Mustofa, Munawir Shyness in Kindness Based on Hadith and Psychology Perspectives 2023-09-01T12:53:50+07:00 Alifah Raudhah [email protected] Ujang Rohman [email protected] Shalahudin Ismail [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study is to provide insight and more knowledge about shame in goodness by reviewing it from a hadith and psychological perspectives. The research method used in this study was to conduct interviews with one of the Islamic boarding schools in the East Bandung area and use the library research method. The results obtained from this study are that shame brings goodness if we are ashamed of the right things, and shame is highly recommended even by Rasulullah PBUH because shame will bring us peace of mind, but humans still have to be able to place shame on the right things. Shame is necessary in everyday life to maintain peace of mind, and shame leads us to positive things if we can put ourselves in the face of sham</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Alifah Raudhah, Ujang Rohman, Shalahudin Ismail Effect of Economic Digitalization on Sharia Economic Growth in Indonesia 2023-06-24T21:31:42+07:00 Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy [email protected] Makhrus Munajar [email protected] Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the effect of economic digitalization on sharia economic growth in Indonesia. This research uses a literature review method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The qualitative method is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects. Secondary data was obtained through a literature study in which the object of research was journals, books, articles and previous studies that were relevant and related to the situation being studied. Other secondary data sources used to support this research are internet services, magazines, and news related to economic digitalization. The results of this study found that economic digitalization on sharia economic growth has a significant and positive influence. This can be interpreted that Islamic economic growth is influenced by technological developments. As technology develops, it has the potential to increase sharia economic growth in Indonesia</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy, Makhrus Munajar, Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo Mangaji Tudang: AGH. As’ad Al-Bugisi’s Learning Method in Strengthening Wasathiyah Islam Based on Pesantren in Eastern Indonesia 2023-06-17T00:03:16+07:00 Hamsir [email protected] Muhammad Alwi HS [email protected] Iin Parnisih [email protected] Khojir Khojir [email protected] <p>This article discusses <em>mangaji tudang</em> (Arabic: halaqah) initiated by AGH. As’ad at the <em>pesantren</em> of As’adiyah, which later developed and became a typical learning method for many <em>pesantren</em> in Eastern Indonesia. The phenomenon of<em> mangaji tudang </em>is used as a foothold in producing a <em>pesantren</em>-based model of Washatiyah. This article uses a type of literature processed based on the descriptive-analytical method concerning the socio-historical approach to related data to explore this goal. This article concludes that <em>mangaji tudang</em> not only brought students and the Bugis community to understand Islamic teachings but also created <em>wasathiyah</em> Islamic model. Thus, this article finds that <em>mangaji tudang </em>was initiated by AGH. As’ad is a learning method that integrates Islamic values into local culture, creating <em>Wasathiyah</em> Islamic model. Therefore, it is important to maintain, develop, and strengthen the existence of the <em>mangaji tudang </em>learning method to create a learning tradition that emphasizes <em>Wasathiyah’s </em>Islamic teachings</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hamsir, Muhammad Alwi HS, Iin Parnisih, Khojir Khojir The Implementation of Character Education in Grade 4 Mathematics Subjects in Elementary Schools 2023-06-19T23:38:18+07:00 Anastya Nida Alhana [email protected] <p>This article examines the implementation of character education in mathematics in class 4B of SD Islam Plus Masyitoh Kroya. From the studies conducted, it can be seen that there are at least three values in character education that have been implemented in the teaching and learning process of mathematics in class 4B of SD Islam Plus Masyitoh Kroya, including (1) religious values through reading prayers before and after lessons take place; (2) the value of honesty in the process of working on questions and assignments and; (3) the value of discipline through punishment and reward methods. In instilling character in students who teach mathematics subjects, they experience several obstacles, starting from controlling students outside of school, which is very difficult even though the role of parents is not optimal. Nonetheless, good communication between tutors and student guardians continues to be pursued so that this character education can be implemented optimally</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anastya Nida Alhana Epistemology in Mulla Shadra’s Philosophy of Al-Hikmah Al-Muta’aliyah: an Analytical Review 2023-06-16T23:28:25+07:00 Intan Diana Fitriyati Fitriyati [email protected] Supriyanto [email protected] <p>This study aims to analyze and delve into Mulla Shadra’s views on epistemology and how these views are related to the concept of <em>al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah</em>. Analytical methods are employed to understand the philosophical arguments put forth by Mulla ShadraThis study showed that Mulla Shadra introduced an epistemology based on the understanding of <em>al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyah</em> as the highest source of knowledge. He proposed that true knowledge could be attained through spiritual experience and contemplation, which includes self-understanding and the relationship with God. Intuition and revelation also play a crucial role in Mulla Shadra’s epistemology, where he emphasizes the importance of intuitive understanding as a profound source of knowledge</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Intan Diana Fitriyati Fitriyati, Supriyanto Study of Tasawuf: Existence as a Solution to the Crisis of Modern Society Due to the Current Development 2023-06-05T21:28:38+07:00 Dila Wandasari [email protected] Yuni Tirtasari Siallagan [email protected] Ryan Irwansyah Pasaribu [email protected] Chuzaimah Batubara [email protected] <p>This article discusses Sufism, a solution to the spiritual crisis in modern society due to the times. This study aims to explain how Sufism can solve the dryness of spirituality—reintroducing the values of Sufism to the community so tshat they can be applied in everyday life. This research method is qualitative research conducted using observational surveys, document analysis, and information from online libraries such as ebooks. Based on research, human spirituality will increase again using Sufism, which can train humans not to follow lust, which tends to be strong towards materialism</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dila Wandasari, Yuni Tirtasari Siallagan, Ryan Irwansyah Pasaribu, Chuzaimah Batubara Da’wa Content on Youtube of Pesulap Merah (Red Magician) Production 2023-08-06T21:54:43+07:00 Muchammad Fadlan [email protected] <p>In the digital era, when the Internet is getting cheaper and easier to access, people’s interaction with the digital world is increasing. One of them is access to YouTube content, with various purposes, one of which is entertainment content with magic as the material. Pesulap Merah Production is one of these YouTube channels. More interestingly, the channel combines entertainment and Da’wa. This research emphasizes how Pesulap Merah carries out the Da’wa content by analyzing the YouTube content of Pesulap Merah Production. In the research results, Da’wa inserts in the content of Pesulap Merah are considered more appealing and acceptable to viewers amid various sensitive issues related to faith issues and social problems in society. With 3.2 million subscribers and an average of 200 thousand viewers, social changes that occur in society are one indicator of the success of this Da’wa</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muchammad Fadlan Digital Da’wah Strategy of Samarinda Keren’s Preacher Community 2023-06-16T23:26:05+07:00 Lulu Khumairo [email protected] Nurul Syobah [email protected] Fuad Fansuri [email protected] A. Rivai Beta [email protected] <p>The focus of this research is to explain the digital da’wah strategy of the Samarinda Keren (Cool) Da’wah Community by examining the da’wah process on social media through the personal accounts of the preachers. The results showed da’wah strategy of the Samarinda Cool Da’wah Community into three: (1) <em>Manhaj al-’Athifi</em>, (2) <em>Manhaj al-Aqli</em>, and (3) <em>Manhaj-al-Hissi</em>. In addition, the Introduction of <em>mad’u</em> or the third object of da’wah is by looking at the effect of the material presented, one of which is by looking at the response of <em>mad’u</em> through the comment column on whether to accept or reject. Preparing da’wah materials by the Qur’an and Hadith to determine a law that gives birth to various variants of science, by the current context and da’wah is carried out with the humility that characterizes it. Samarinda Cool Da’wah Community, utilizing social media as alternative to reach mad’u widely now.</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lulu Khumairo, Nurul Syobah, Fuad Fansuri, A. Rivai Beta Implementation of Islamic Communication in Therapeutic Communication in Midwives 2023-06-16T23:30:50+07:00 S. Dinar Annisa Abdullah [email protected] <p>This study aims to describe the Implementation of Islamic Communication in Therapeutic Communication to Midwives at Inche Abdoel Moeis Hospital Samarinda. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a phenomenological approach. The results showed that there were six therapeutic communication techniques applied by midwives at Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda Hospital, namely (1) active and attentive listeners, (2) showing acceptance, (3) conveying the results of observations, (4) giving appreciation, (5) assertiveness, and (6) humor. Meanwhile, Islamic communication in therapeutic communication to midwives at RSUD Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda has yet to be formally applied but substantially has similarities in the principles of Islamic communication. This is manifested in the principles of (1) the principle of honesty, (2) positive speech principle, (3) the principle of the package (heart, verbal, and deed), (4) the principle of two ears and one mouth, (5) the principle of mutual influence, (6) the principle of privacy</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 S. Dinar Annisa Abdullah