The Quran and Mental Health in Post-Pandemic Era


  • Shinta Nurani IAIN Pekalongan



Post pandemic era, Mental Health, The Quran, Contextual Interpretation


The Covid 19 pandemic has spawned many phenomena of mental health disorders such as anxiety, fear, moral panic, overthinking, post-pandemic stress disorder, xenophobia, post-traumatic stress, and others. Therefore, this paper discusses (1) the Quranic perspective on mental health; (2) the response and contextual interpretation of the verses of the Quran related to mental health in the post pandemic era which can be normative and performative guidelines to be actualized in everyday life. This paper uses a type of literature-qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and thematic interpretation as to a contextual reading of the Quran related to mental health in the post pandemic era. The findings of this paper are that the Quran emphasizes the need for prevention and healing of mental health through (1) the importance of being resilient which is manifested in being easy to adapt in the face of changing eras (QS. Ar Rad: 11); (2) there is no difficulty in religion (QS. Al Hajj: 78); (3) do not fall into self-social-psychological destructions (QS. Al Baqarah: 195); (4) surrender and be pleased with all the provisions of Allah (QS. At Thaghabun [64]: 11); and (5) maintaining mental health is part of jihad in the post pandemic era (QS. An Nisa: 95).


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How to Cite

Nurani, S. The Quran and Mental Health in Post-Pandemic Era. MZA 2021, 6, 204-216.