mansikh-Manskh dalam Al-Quran

Teori dan Implikasi dalam Hukum Islam


  • Mohammad Umar Said Universitas Sains Al Quran Wonosobo



Nāsikh, Mansūkh, Islamic law


Islam must be able to exist in all situations and conditions, Al Qur'an as the main source is expected to have its existence especially in facilitating the benefit of Muslims. Because the benefit and needs of one community to another have differences, then the need for the concept of abrogation becomes one of the media and methods in weighing a benefit that implies the emergence of relevant new laws to be applied. This paper tries to unravel the basic concepts of abrogation (Naskh) and the domain of its work in the area of Islamic jurisprudence. with descriptive-analytical study, the result is that the concept of abrogation must indeed exist in the minds of every mujtahid in formulating a legal solution.


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How to Cite

Said, M. U. Mansikh-Manskh Dalam Al-Quran: Teori Dan Implikasi Dalam Hukum Islam. MZA 2020, 5, 173-183.