Linguistic Relativity al-Quran

Nalar I’jāz dalam Pandangan Abd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī


  • Mahbub Ghozali UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



I’jāz al-Qur’an, Abd al-Qāhir al-Jurjāni, Linguistic Relativity


Al-Qur’an is the text that contains i’jÄz. However, there are disagreements about i’jÄz criteria. Some people think that i’jÄz is outside the text, while others assume i’jÄz is in the Qur’an itself. One of the scholars who agreed that i’jÄz al-Qur'an is in the text of the Qur’an is Abd al-QÄhir al-JurjÄnÄ«. However, al-JurjÄnī’s explanation explaining this problem is still widely misunderstood and sometimes directs understanding of the irrational aspects. This study aims to find the reasoning i’jÄz al-Qur’an according to al-JurjÄnÄ« by using the linguistic relativity approach. This study found that the problem of i’jÄz al-Qur’an according to al-JurjÄnÄ« lies in the aspect of the language structure (al-naẓm) which covers the whole concept contained in the language convention. With the form of i’jÄz in the form of this language allows the inability of other people to make the same thing that becomes the sign i’jÄz can be explained through the concept of language relativity. Therefore, al-Qur’an as when Allah made it has a special reality that excels every human language.


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How to Cite

Ghozali, M. Linguistic Relativity Al-Quran: Nalar I’jāz Dalam Pandangan Abd Al-Qāhir Al-Jurjānī. MZA 2020, 5, 210-224.