Hijab dalam Pandangan Muslimah

(Studi Living Quran Komunitas Muslimah Peduli Hijab Purwokerto)


  • Ken Ayu Kartikaningrum IAIN Purwokerto




Hijab, Muslim Women, Aurat, Genealogy


This article discusses the hijab in the view of the Muslim community Caring for the Hijab Purwokerto. This research is a type of field research. In analyzing data, the instruments that researchers use are in-depth interviews, observations, and data that researchers get from journals, books, and newspapers. Researchers, in this case, use the Social Construction Theory from Peter L Berger's theory. This theory is more focused on the meaning and joint interpretation constructed in community networks. From the research conducted, the researchers focused on two main things, namely: (1) The view of the Muslim community caring for Hijab Purwokerto on the hijab. (2) Genealogy of Muslim Hijab Care for Hijab Purwokerto community understanding hijab


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How to Cite

Kartikaningrum, K. A. Hijab Dalam Pandangan Muslimah: (Studi Living Quran Komunitas Muslimah Peduli Hijab Purwokerto). MZA 2019, 4, 134-146.