International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning <p>The International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning (IJECCL) is a prestigious scholarly publication dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the field of early childhood education and community learning. With its commitment to excellence and innovation, the journal serves as a vital platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights, discoveries, and best practices.</p> <p>IJECCL encompasses a wide range of topics related to early childhood education, including pedagogy, curriculum development, assessment, parental involvement, social-emotional development, cognitive development, and cultural diversity. By publishing rigorous and thought-provoking articles, the journal contributes to the ongoing discourse on effective teaching and learning strategies that promote optimal development during the crucial early years.</p> <p>One of the distinguishing features of IJECCL is its emphasis on the intersection of early childhood education and community learning. The journal recognizes the vital role that communities play in shaping the educational experiences of young children. It explores the various ways in which community resources, partnerships, and engagement can enhance early childhood education, promote social inclusion, and foster a sense of belonging.</p> <p>IJECCL publishes both empirical research studies and theoretical papers that offer innovative perspectives and insights into the field. The journal also welcomes literature reviews, case studies, and critical analyses that shed light on emerging trends and challenges in early childhood community learning. This multidisciplinary approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of the field.</p> <p>The editorial team of IJECCL comprises renowned scholars and experts in the field of early childhood education. Through a rigorous peer-review process, they ensure that all published articles meet the highest standards of academic integrity and contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge. This dedication to quality ensures that the journal remains a trusted source of information for researchers, educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the field.</p> <p>As a leading publication in the field of early childhood education and community learning, the International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning plays a vital role in shaping the future of early childhood education practices worldwide. By disseminating evidence-based research, fostering collaboration, and promoting innovative ideas, the journal continues to inspire advancements and excellence in the field, ultimately benefiting young children and their communities.</p> en-US [email protected] (Dr. Heru Kurniawan, M.A.) [email protected] (Risdianto Hermawan, M.Pd.) Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD 4-5 YEARS AT HARAPAN PERTIWI KINDERGARTEN 3 <p>Verbal linguistic intelligence is part of the intelligence of the nine intelligences possessed by humans, which was discovered by Howard Gardner, this verbal linguistic intelligence involves the ability to use words effectively orally and in writing. The purpose of this study is to describe verbal linguistic intelligence in Harapan Pertiwi 3 Kindergarten, describe supporting and inhibiting factors in developing verbal linguistic intelligence in Harapan Pertiwi 3 Kindergarten, describe how the teachers efforts in developing students verbal linguistic intelligence, especially in learning at Harapan Pertiwi 3 Kindergarten. Descriptive qualitative approach which contains data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. And analyzed by reducing irrelevant data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the development of linguistic verbal intelligence in Harapan Pertiwi 3 Kindergarten was realized by active learning implemented by the teacher through playing activities in learning. Development activities carried out by the teacher are using the pop up book learning method, playing words (vocabulary) where students are required to be more active in playing words and playing roles.</p> Sinta Sri Rahayu, Rika Purnamasari, Ulfa Fitriani Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Thu, 25 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING WITH THE MONTESSORY METHOD IN TK IT CENDIKIA PURWAKARTA <p>Montessori is a teacher's method in facilitating students to explore their abilities and environment. Children are given the freedom to recognize their respective potentials by practicing at will and promoting independence in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of learning with the Montessori Method in TK IT Cendikia and to find out the things supporting and inhibiting the Montessori method. The research method uses descriptive qualitative data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the Montessori method in TK IT Cendikia has been carried out properly starting from planning with the design of the Daily Program (RPPH), Weekly Program (RPPM), Semester Program (PROMES) and Annual Program (PROTA), implementation of learning using the Montesssori method. , and evaluation of learning. The implementation of the Montessori method in Cendikia IT Kindergarten shows a fairly good implementation which is marked by the development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of children</p> Rika Purnamasari, Ihsan Rijali Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Fri, 26 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF VERBAL PARENTS COMMUNICATION ON THE SOUL AND PERSONAL GROWTH OF EARLY CHILDREN <p>This study aims to find out how the verbal communication of parents (fathers and mothers) influences the growth of the soul and personality of children aged. The reason why the writer chooses this problem is due to the phenomenon that; the growth and even development of the soul of an early child is determined by communication between the two parents which is the main factor, apart from the family living together, the child's play environment, parents' lifestyle and other internal and external factors. The method used in this study is the result of direct observation, even the author himself as a human instrument (actors; speakers). In addition, a random survey of 500 populations through open questionnaires, interviews and other instruments to support research. A review of research phenomena shows that (1) the main cause of children's violent character is due to the rude communication of parents, (2) the main cause of disobedient and disobedient children is because their parents often argue and do not love each other, (3) the main cause of stubborn children is because of sustenance doubts subhat/or illegitimacy, (4) Children are not polite because their parents do not act like that, (5) All forms of attitudes, behavior, speech of children are based on the genes or heredity of both parents, (6) Playmates of children aged Early childhood which is the closest environment enough to influence the growth of children's character. The final result as a conclusion that; through a verbal communication approach (gentle, gentle and full of love and care) based on a religious approach (praying and reading the Koran at all times and circumstances). This amount reaches 48% of the research sample. This number is still categorized as quite high. In contrast, the group of parents who succeeded reached 52% of the research sample with various success categories. The group of parents (children/sample) who received an A score totaled 2 people or 4%, a B score was achieved by 5 groups of parents or 10%, a C score (score) was achieved by 7 people or 14%, while a score D was achieved with the highest frequency. high, that is; 24 people or 48%. This amount reaches 48% of the research sample. This number is still categorized as quite high. In contrast, the group of parents who succeeded reached 52% of the research sample with various success categories. The group of parents (children/sample) who received an A score totaled 2 people or 4%, a B score was achieved by 5 groups of parents or 10%, a C score (score) was achieved by 7 people or 14%, while a score D was achieved with the highest frequency. high, that is; 24 people or 48%. the value (score) C is achieved by 7 people or 14%, while the score D is achieved with the highest frequency, namely; 24 people or 48%. the value (score) C is achieved by 7 people or 14%, while the score D is achieved with the highest frequency, namely; 24 people or 48%.</p> Rustam Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Fri, 26 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 UNDERSTANDING OF PAUD TEACHER ON INCLUSION EDUCATION IN PONDOKSALAM DISTRICT, PURWAKARTA DISTRICT <p>The implementation of inclusive education requires institutions to adapt to the curriculum, resources and learning. The human resources in question are the quality of early childhood teachers in understanding inclusive education. The purpose of this research is to explore how teachers understand inclusive education and how teachers perceive inclusive education who have an understanding of inclusive education logically. The method in this study was carried out using descriptive qualitative methods by collecting interview data, observation and documentation. Collecting theoretical study data using books and other sources related to this material. Respondents in this study were three school principals and seven early childhood teachers at three raudathul athfal (RA) institutions located in Pondoksalam sub-district, Purwakarta district. The results of this study indicate that the understanding of early childhood teachers in Pondoksalam subdistrict has not fully understood inclusive education in depth. The factors that influence teachers' understanding of inclusive education are first, teacher factors consisting of teacher background, views on children with special needs, type of teacher, class level, teacher beliefs, socio-political views, and teacher empathy. Second, the experience factor which consists of experience teaching children with special needs and experience of contact with children with special needs. Third, the knowledge factor which consists of the level of teacher education, training, knowledge, and teacher learning needs. Fourth, educational environmental factors consisting of resource support, parental and family support, and the school system.</p> Wini Wapiroh, Rika Purnamasari, Nining Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Fri, 26 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 FIRST LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IN EARLY CHILDREN 3-4 YEARS <p>Language acquisition is a process that takes place in a child's brain to capture, produce, and use words for understanding and communication from when he or she acquires her first language or mother tongue. Language acquisition is a natural process in which a person masters language. Language acquisition is usually the result of verbal contact with native speakers of that language environment. This study aims to determine the acquisition of the first language in early childhood 3-4 years in Parakanlima Village. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The respondents in this study were three parents and three children aged 3-4 years who lived in Parakanlima Village, Jatiluhur District, Purwakarta. The results of this study indicate that children are able to master the acquisition of the first language which is characterized by vocabulary that is in accordance with the stage of development of their age that they get in the family and surrounding environment.</p> Delpiyani, Rika Purnamasari, Iis Uswatun Hasanah Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Fri, 26 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 MODELS AND METHODS OF INCLUSION LEARNING AT ALAM PURWAKARTA SCHOOL <p>This study aims to determine the models and methods of inclusive learning in natural schools in Purwakarta. The research was conducted using a qualitative direct field study approach. Data collection for theoretical studies uses books related to this material. Data were analyzed using descriptive narrative. The results of the study show that the teacher has carried out adaptive learning for children with learning difficulties, namely learning that adapts to students' conditions. This means that learning adapts to the conditions of the students themselves, not students adapt to learning, which of course these adjustments are related to strategic methods, materials, learning tools/media, and the learning environment. The learning model used in Kindergarten Alam Purwakarta is a classical model where students with normal and special needs participate in one class. The second model is the individual learning model where students who have learning difficulties/special needs have a different curriculum. The results of the study imply that natural facilities and open spaces really help regular students as well as those with special needs to develop all their potential, have free space and good models. or the method used is relevant to everyday life.</p> Ani Suarni, Rika Purnamasari, Nadia Pratanti Sunardi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Sat, 27 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF MORAL EARLYCHILHOOD AT RA ILYASA NURUL QOMAR BUNGURSARI PURWAKARTA <p>Keeping up with the times, it is certainly not an easy thing for educators to shape the character of akhlakul karimah in early childhood, but there is a very long application process. Good morals will be formed if applied as early as possible, and assisted by stimulation provided by parents, family, environment and school. Educational institutions have an important role during school learning to apply good morals to early childhood, either in the form of explanations or practice. Because if the character has been formed from an early age, it is unlikely that the child will be carried away by the environment. Therefore there is cooperation between parents and teachers. This study aims to find out how teacher stimulation develops early childhood morals through theoretical and practical activities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with respondents namely students, teachers, principals and parents. The results showed that teacher stimulation in developing early childhood morals at RA Ilyasa Nurul Qomar was by getting used to the 3 main words, namely sorry, asking for help and thank you. In addition to implementing 5 S, greetings, greetings, smiles, polite and courteous.</p> Nita Adiyanti, Rika Purnamasari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Sat, 27 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING EARLY READING ABILITY USING READING BOARD MEDIA IN CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS IN RA AL FURQON, PASAWAHAN DISTRICT, PURWAKARTA REGENCY <p>Through this research it is expected to be able to develop methods and media so that learning activities can develop. The research technique used by researchers is classroom action research. In this classroom action research, the researcher used observation and documentation methods on the early reading development of students at RA Al Furqon Pasawahan. In this class action research, the researchers obtained results based on two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II, in the first cycle the child still shows that in the process of development the results of the first cycle are as much as 60% developing better than the initial conditions. The results of cycle II also experienced an increase of 20%, the results obtained from cycle I and cycle II were as much as 80%</p> Riva Nur Aliva, Rika Purnamasari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Sun, 28 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 STRENGTHENING STUDENTS’ BASIC LITERACY IN THE TAHFIDZUL QUR'AN PROGRAM AT MI DARUL HIKMAH <p>Based on research by IIQ (Institute of Quranic Sciences) the illiteracy rate of the Quran in Indonesia is relatively high, namely 65%. Meanwhile, those who can read the Quran well are 0.5%. This condition demands the role of Islamic educational institutions to improve it. MI Darul Hikmah is a basic education institution that is committed to improving it. Efforts are made through the Tahfidzul Quran program. This study aims to describe and analyze the strengthening of basic Quranic literacy through the Tahfidzul Quran program. This research is qualitative research. Its data mining techniques are through observation, interviews, and documentation. Its data analysis through reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study show that the Tahfidzul Quran program can strengthen the basic literacy of the Quran with indicators (1) The emergence of reading activities (2) The development of the ability to read, write, recognize letters, words, and simple sentences.</p> Aldi Prasetyo, Fauzi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Sun, 28 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF PARENTS ON ORAL LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT CHILDREN 5-6 YEARS OLD <p>In developing language skills we need to understand the language acquisition that occurs in children when they hear and express it.The language acquisition of children who hear starts from the experience between the baby and his mother or other meaningful people in his immediate environment.The child will also be good at expressing what he thinks according to The purpose of this study was to determine the stages of early childhood oral language development in the village of Sugugul,the factors that influence the development of early childhood language and the role of parents in the development of children's spoken language in the village.Sumurugul Village.This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research.Data collection is done by observation and interview techniques.The results show that the development of children's oral language is influenced by the environment.According to Vygotsky,children learn language from adults and then internalize it as a tool of thinking and control.Language development is also stated to develop according to or in line with the biological development of children if it is stimulated properly.</p> Ipah Saripah, Rika Purnamasari, Deuis Siti Nurohmah Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Mon, 29 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING CALCULATING ABILITY WITH MEDIA PUZZLE IN CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS IN RA AL FURQON, PASAWAHAN DISTRICT, PURWAKARTA REGENCY <p>The results of this study are expected to be a motivation for all of us as educators to be able to develop counting techniques using playing methods and image media. This type of research uses an average assessment and an assessment of the success or completeness of children's learning both individually and classically. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). Based on the results of observations in the first cycle, the results showed that the value obtained by children was still low where the criteria were 60% less, 40% less, 0% enough, 0% good and 0% very good. The overall results of cycle 1 obtained an average value of 44 and this is classified as very poor, while the number of good and excellent criteria is 0% and in cycle 1 it is declared not successful. The results of the classroom action research that have been carried out can be concluded that the puzzle playing activity can improve the ability to number 1-20 in group B 1 RA Al Furqon children in the 2022/2023 academic year and is declared successful.</p> Widyawati, Rika Purnamasari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Mon, 29 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THERAPY FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AT SANTIA CLINIC <p>In this article, the author will discuss what children come to the santia clinic and what therapies are in the santia clinic, the author also observes the way psychologists therapy to early childhood who are 5 years old, and also interviews doctors &amp; psychologists in the clinic.. This article is compiled to provide new insights and knowledge for readers, especially writers, about the types of therapies in the santia clinic and how to treat them for children with special needs, besides that this observation also aims to train mentally and add knowledge for students so that they can develop themselves into students who think critically and also care about the environment and can become a quality Human Resources (HR) and high competitiveness, for readers of this report is expected to bring information and reference benefits and to meet the value of AUD Inclusion Education courses. In addition, the author also uses a qualitative method where this method is descriptive which focuses on observations and interview results as well as supporting documentation</p> Dida Nurbaida, Fadila Qoulan Sadida, Rika Purnamasari, Tata Tajudin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Mon, 29 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES SCHOOLMODEL INCLUSION AT ALAM PURWAKARTA SCHOOL <p>One important component to determine the effectiveness of the learning process is assessment. This study aims to determine the evaluation of the assessment of learning outcomes from inclusive PAUD learning in Alam Purwakarta Schools. The research was conducted using a qualitative direct field study approach. Data collection for theoretical studies uses books related to this material. Data were analyzed using descriptive narrative. Learning assessment techniques in PAUD inclusive natural schools use observation, anecdotal notes, conversations, assignments, performance, work, development of self-assessment tools, use of standardized instruments that have been developed, experimental projects, daily, monthly and semester assessments. The results of the study show that the assessment of inclusive education learning has been carried out effectively. In carrying out the assessment, educators have carried out fair assessments. Both for students in general and for students with special&nbsp; needs, must be adapted to the abilities of children with special needs. By using the design of learning outcomes assessment, it is hoped that educators can direct students to demonstrate mastery of predetermined competencies.</p> Enih Suryani, Rika Purnamasari, Kartika Sari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Mon, 29 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 CURRICULUM AND TEACHING MATERIALS AT ALAM PURWAKARTA SCHOOL <p>This study aims to determine the curriculum and teaching materials for inclusive learning in Alam Purwakarta schools. The research was conducted using a qualitative direct field study approach. Data collection for theoretical studies uses books related to this material. Data were analyzed using descriptive narrative. The results of the study show that the curriculum used in schools this use personal curriculum or curriculum specially made and designed by the team specifically at school. This means that learning adapts to the conditions of the students themselves, not students adapt to learning, which of course these adjustments are related to the curriculum used, and also what teaching materials are used in school it. Curriculum used is personalized curricula in accordance with needs student. Alam Purwakarta Schools is also a lot use natural around as inside teaching materials support activity study teach. The results of the study imply that natural facilities and open spaces really help regular and special-needs students to develop all their potential, have free space for movement and have a good curriculum. or The teaching materials used are relevant to everyday life</p> Azhari Nurjalilah, Rahayu Noer Hanissa, Rika Purnamasari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Mon, 29 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 EARLY CHILDREN'S SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SKILLS IN ANIMAL STORY BOOKS WE ARE FRIENDS COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP FABLES WORKS OF CHANDRA WENING <p>Emotional social skills are skills that children must have. Social emotional skills are the process of developing a child's ability to be able to adapt himself (emotionally) to a wider social environment. Social emotional development is the basis for the development of individual personality and relates to other aspects. The method of collecting research data is using the documentation method. Several emotional social skills are contained in the books studied and can be examples for early childhood. The results of this study indicate emotional social skills that will help children socialize in a friendly environment. This research is an analysis in an animal story book for early childhood.</p> Falasifa Larasati, Heru Kurniawan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MANAGEMENT AT ALAM JOMIN SCHOOL <p>This study aims to find out what curriculum is used at the Alam Jomin school. This research was conducted using a qualitative direct field study approach. Data collection for theoretical studies uses books related to this material. Data analysis using descriptive narrative. The results of the study show that the teacher uses a modified curriculum that is adapted to the needs of the child. The learning model used is the classical model where students with normal and special needs attend learning in one class. This inclusive education is a philosophy as well as an innovative strategy in expanding access and improving the quality of education for all without discrimination.</p> Khoirun Nisa, Rika Purnamasari, Nabila Nurul Azmi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING CALCULATING ABILITY WITH JARIMATIC MEDIA IN CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS IN RA AL-FURQON PASAWAHAN DISTRICT PURWAKARTA REGENCY <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in numeracy in RA AL-FURQON Pasawahan. This research method uses classroom action research with 15 students aged 5-6 years in class B. The results of the study show that the development of numeracy in students aged 5-6 years at AL-FURQON has demonstrated the ability to count using the media of jarimatika. this can be seen from several cycles. Cycle 1 showed that it was marked by the implementation of observations when children counted using Jarimatika. At that time the researchers paid close attention to each child's numeracy skills. This is what the researcher is doing to find out how effective this media is and from the results of the observations the researcher is doing, the researcher will correct the percentage of success in classroom action research based on the results. in cycle two the researcher will correct the percentage of successful classroom action research based on performance achievement. if it is not in accordance with the indicator, then the next cycle is carried out. In this first cycle, children still show 30% development in counting, developing better than before. And the results of cycle II were an increase of 60%, so the results obtained from cycle I and cycle II were 90%.</p> Lulu Intan, Rika Purnamasari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOL PRINCIPLES' TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP IN IMPROVING SCHOOL MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALITY <p>This study aims to determine the transformative leadership of school principals in improving school-based management at Alkhairaat Elementary School, Palu, Central Sulawesi. This research qualitative uses methods put forward by Bogdan and Taylor. Data analysis techniques use Miles and Huberman's qualitative data analysis. The results of the study are the transformative leadership model of the principal applied at SD Alkhairaat Palu, which adopts the theoretical leadership model from Bass and Avolio with four concepts of individual influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual attention. The principal's leadership in improving the professionalism of school management is to optimize the professionalism of educators including planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling.</p> Moh. Rifad Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AT CIBUNGUR VILLAGE <p>In order to realize the government's great attention to accelerate the implementation of inclusive education, in 2009 the Minister of National Education issued Permendiknas No.70 on inclusive education. With the existence of Permendiknas No.70, it is used as a reference in determining the implementation of inclusive education in the region. The success of the implementation of inclusive education is not only carried out due to government implementation policies, but also because of the knowledge of parties related to schools, both school residents, students as prospective educators and the community. In this case, the community needs to know and understand about inclusive education in order to participate in the success of the implementation of inclusive education in every region in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of public understanding of inclusion education in order to prepare a community environment that understands the purpose of creating inclusion education. The subject of the study was a resident of Cibungur- Purwakarta village. The research design used is descriptive quality, data collected through interview methods with people at the Cibungur village environment.</p> Mulyanti Indriyani, Rika Purnamasari, Dara Tri Suwarni, Devina Octavia Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PROFILE OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN AGED 4-5 YEARS AT RA AL MUJAHIDIN <p>Language is an important aspect in early childhood development. Children learn to listen, speak, read and write according to heir developmental stage. This study aims to determine the development of early childhood according to STTPA. The results of the STTPA research at RA Al Mujahidin are very important to note. This research uses descriptive quantitative method.&nbsp; The results of this study indicate that the development of language skills for early childhood 4-5 in Ra Al Mujahidin is quite developed, with three aspects: (1) Understanding Language (2) Expressing Language (3) Literacy. The results of this study indicate that the language aspect is very important to be developed in every child who is still in the developmental stage. Because children's language skills are very influential on other aspects of child development.</p> Cut Mutia Alsafiah, Rika Purnamasari, Mimah Hak Cipta (c) 2023 International Journal of Early Childhood Community Learning Sat, 17 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0700