Welfare Society Dalam Sistem Kesejahteraan Sosial Di Indonesia


  • Asyahbuddin Asyahbuddin Universitas Islam Negeri Prof.K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto




Welfare state, welfare society, masyarakat aktif, sistem kesejahteraan sosial.


The Welfare State is a social welfare system that is implemented in many countries. This centralized welfare system has been criticized by some because it is seen as not being able to capture the diversity of social welfare problems and needs, so that it is unable to provide appropriate social welfare measures. The Welfare Society, a locally based social welfare system that is planned and implemented at the local level, is seen as more capable of providing effective medicine because it is seen as having a better understanding of problems at the local level. The social welfare system places community empowerment as its main policy component. Thus, Indonesia actually encourages the welfare society as the spearhead of its social welfare system. However, community participation in the social welfare system is not ideal, because community participation at the local level is mostly used as a local agent for the implementation of programs that are regulated from the center. This article views the need to increase the meaningfulness of community participation in the social welfare system by adopting the concept of an active community, based on three bases, namely neighbourhood/locality, social identity and kinship.


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How to Cite

Asyahbuddin, A. (2022). Welfare Society Dalam Sistem Kesejahteraan Sosial Di Indonesia. ICODEV: Indonesian Community Development Journal, 3(1), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.24090/icodev.v3i1.6232


