Pandangan Majlis Tafsir Al-Qur'an (MTA) tentang Makanan Halal dan Haram (Kajian Usul Fikih)


  • Muh. Nashirudin Fakultas Syari'ah IAIN Surakarta



MTA, Sunday Morning Brochure, foods, halal and haram, istişhab


This study discusses the Majlis Tafsir al-Qur'an (MTA) views on halal and haram food in Islam. The research data obtained through MTA's Sunday Morning Brochure, MTA's Qur'anic exegesis and interviews with Ahmad Sukina (the head master of the MTA). By using the functional theory of the prophet's tradition PAT Islamic legal theory and istişhab, the study found that MTA as mentioned in Tafsir MTA volume IV recognizes that the forbidden food in Islam consists of four things i.e. the carrion, the blood, the pork, and the slaughtered animals not in the name of Allah. However, recently, the MTA does not determine their opinion sticky whether only 4 things that are forbidden by Qur'an, or they are coupled with other things that are forbidden by the Prophet's tradition. The MTA looks to choose to be "safe" and "in gray position" in this case, because they see that the two opinions are the same in validity. Both cannot be determined which will be used and also to avoid the controversy in the community. In addition, although the MTA jargon is back to the Qur'an and Prophet's tradition, but the determination of law through the Consensus is also used although there is a difference in the concept (MTA says using the consensus of the Prophet companions) but actually they use Islamic Scholar's consensus. Analogy is very li limited in use, when the illat is only mentioned in the religious texts. Beyond the four basic postulates agreed is not used, except with regard to the postulate of al-ibahah al-aşliyyah which is included in the discussion of istişhab.


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How to Cite

Nashirudin, M. (2017). Pandangan Majlis Tafsir Al-Qur’an (MTA) tentang Makanan Halal dan Haram (Kajian Usul Fikih). Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 10(2), 235–252.

