The Philosophy of Religious-Rational Education: From Modernism to Islamism


  • Fahri Hidayat UIN SAIZU



philosophy, islamism, religious rational


Abstract This article examines the latest developments in educational philosophy in Islamic educational institutions. The method used in this article was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. This article concludes that the philosophy of religious-rational education, one of the main variants in Islamic educational institutions, has a new variant after the reformation. In the previous period, educational philosophy was dominated by the variant of modernism. Then, the emergence of integrated Islamic schools initiated the growth of Islamism, which was rooted in the political-Islamic religious ideology. This variant is reflected in the curriculum, which integrates general knowledge and religion with a religious spirit that emphasizes the Islamization of politics.


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How to Cite

Fahri Hidayat. (2023). The Philosophy of Religious-Rational Education: From Modernism to Islamism. Islamic Studies Journal, 3(1), 1–10.


