The Epistemology of Abu Yusuf Ya'qub bin Ishaq Al-Kindi (Philosophy and Religion)


  • Sarpini UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwkerto



epistemology, philosophy, religion


The Islamic world has succeeded in establishing a philosophy that is in accordance with the principles of religion and the state of Islamic society itself. Al-Kindi was named after a tribe, the Banu Kindah. Al-Kindi was of the opinion that philosophy is the science of truth or the noblest and highest science. And religion is also the science of truth. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the relationship between philosophy and religion. This research method is descriptive analysis, namely the author describes all data about the epistemology of al-Kindi's thought and then analyzes the data to obtain a conclusion. The results of this study conclude that Al-Kindi was a pioneer in integrating philosophy and religion or between reason and revelation. For Al-Kindi, philosophy is the science of all sciences and the wisdom of all wisdom. Philosophy, in Al-Kindi's view, aims to strengthen religion and is part of Islamic culture. Therefore, through philosophical interpretation, religion becomes compatible with philosophy.


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How to Cite

Sarpini. (2022). The Epistemology of Abu Yusuf Ya’qub bin Ishaq Al-Kindi (Philosophy and Religion). Islamic Studies Journal, 2(1), 39–51.


