Portrait of Five Work Culture Values of State Civil Apparatus in the Ministry of Religion, Banyumas Regency


  • Ibnu Asaddudin Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Banyumas




five cultures work; apparatus state civil service; ministry of religion


Objective from study This ie For describe portrait will application of the five values culture Work apparatus state civil service (ASN) at the ministry of religion. The research method used in this research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Study This research a number of Educational institutions in the Regency Ministry of Religion Area Banyumas. The research that the author used was part of field research carried out at the Ministry of Religion, Banyumas Regency. Data on research done during eight month. Research result This obtained that ASN in the Ministry of Religion has apply fifth culture Work. Application fifth culture Work This proven through application of the Sibawaor website. This matter show exists application of the five cultures ASN work in the Ministry of Religion already held massively


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How to Cite

Asaddudin, I. (2023). Portrait of Five Work Culture Values of State Civil Apparatus in the Ministry of Religion, Banyumas Regency. Islamic Studies Journal, 3(2), 103–112. https://doi.org/10.24090/isj.v3i2.10029


